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Install setup

You're free to use the environment management tools you prefer but if you're familiar with those, you can use the following:

  • pipx (to isolate the global tools from your local environment)
  • SQLFluff (to lint SQL)
  • changie (to generate CHANGELOG entries)

tool setup guide

To install pipx:

pip install pipx
pipx ensurepath

Then you'll be able to install tox, pre-commit and sqlfluff with pipx:

pipx install sqlfluff

To install changie, there are few options depending on your OS. See the installation guide for more details.

To configure your dbt profile, run following command and follow the prompts:

dbt init

Development workflow

  • Fork the repo
  • Create a branch from main
  • Make your changes
  • Run the tests
  • Create your changelog entry with changie new (don't edit directly the
  • Commit your changes (it will run the linter through pre-commit)
  • Push your branch and open a PR on the repository

Adding a CHANGELOG Entry

We use changie to generate CHANGELOG entries. Note: Do not edit the directly. Your modifications will be lost.

Follow the steps to install changie for your system.

Once changie is installed and your PR is created, simply run changie new and changie will walk you through the process of creating a changelog entry. Commit the file that's created and your changelog entry is complete!


We use SQLFluff to keep SQL style consistent. By installing pre-commit per the initial setup guide above, SQLFluff will run automatically when you make a commit locally. A GitHub action automatically tests pull requests and adds annotations where there are failures.

Lint all models in the /models directory:

sqlfluff lint

Fix all models in the /models directory:

sqlfluff fix

Lint (or subsitute lint to fix) a specific model:

sqlfluff lint -- models/path/to/model.sql

Lint (or subsitute lint to fix) a specific directory:

sqlfluff lint -- models/path/to/directory


Enforced rules are defined within .sqlfluff. To view the full list of available rules and their configuration, see the SQLFluff documentation.

Generation of dbt base google models

dbt base google models are generated in another dedicated project hosted in:

It was separated to ensure that users don't install the parser (and tests) when they install the dbt package.

Documentation website

Documentation is generated with Docusaurus and hosted on GitHub pages. The content is hosted directly in the docs folder of the main repository. The template is hosted in a separate repository: bqbooster/dbt-bigquery-monitoring-docs.